Sunday, March 16, 2025

How to Read a Book by Monica Wood

Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 288 pages
Published: June 2024

How to Read a Book by Monica Wood was the monthly selection for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club. The relatively short story is a poignant one that touches on the themes of grief, friendship, redemption, and not necessarily how to read a book but how to a live a meaningful life. The protagonist, Violet, a young woman convicted of a deadly crime is released from prison. At a crossroads in her life, she develops a friendship with Harriet, the retired schoolteacher who facilitated the prison book club program in which Violet participated. While Violet is trying to figure out her life outside of prison, Harriet is trying to figure out what her life will look like in her third act. Both women’s lives collide with Frank’s, the widow and victim of Violet’s crime. Over the course of the nearly 300 page novel, Wood presents a thoughtful, honest story of friendship and what it means to live a worthy life.

I completed this novel in just a few days. The pace is fast, and the plot is engaging. Because a portion of the book is centered around the prison book club and the local, independent bookstore, there is quite a bit of book chatter and recommended titles throughout the reading. The author also does a beautiful job of presenting points for reader reflection in beautifully composed sentences. And as a lover and collector of words, I enjoyed those parts of the book the most! 

“Amazon is the devil,” Harried informed not only Baker but whoever might be listening. She slid her credit card across the counter. “The Nazis worked with more subtlety.” - p. 20

Was this the fate of adults on the threshold of their dotage? To be turned into children by children? - p.37

A squawk of laughter came loose from On High, and Frank suddenly hated all young people, who thought they knew all things and in fact knew only some things. - p. 53

Women left prison physically diminished, but in Violet that diminishment seemed of a different order, as if the part of God that is said to dwell in all creatures had flown from her, only to perch somewhere nearby, awaiting reentry. -p. 82

Perhaps it’s an oddity of human nature to judge women more harshly. Or maybe we expect so little of men, their transgressions don’t register the same. - p. 150

Apologies require acceptance … But as I understand it, forgiveness flows in one direction only. - p. 177

The writer writes the words. The given reader reads the words. And the book, the unique and unrepeatable book, doesn’t exist until the given reader meets the writer on the page. - p. 235

Even the least eventful life holds an avalanche of stories. Any one of mine would give you a fair impression of who I was and how I lived. But the one I chose—the one that now composes this epitaph—isn’t a story at all. It’s what Harriet would call the meanwhile, the important thing that was happening while the rest of the story moved along. My name was Violet Powell. I took a life. I lived and died. Meanwhile, I was loved. - p. 273
Recommendation: This is my first Monica Wood read, and I found that she packs an emotional punch in an efficient number of pages. I think she is an author I would read again, perhaps even returning to this particular story when I need something that reads like a cup of warm cocoa tastes on a cold winter night. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Harlem Rhapsody by Victoria Christopher Murray

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 400 pages
Published: February 2025

A historical fiction delight by prolific author Victoria Christopher Murray, Harlem Rhapsody tells the long-hidden story of real-life Jessie Redmon Fauset who was the first and only literary editor of The Crisis, the NAACP’s premier publication. Having been designated this distinctive title by the founder and her secret lover, W.E.B. Dubois, Fauset took this opportunity to not only hone her writing skills but spark a generation of legendary literary geniuses active during the Harlem Renaissance movement. 

The novel is, of course, set in Harlem, New York, and spans the six-year period covering Fauset’s reign as literary editor. Through Murray’s descriptive and captivating prose, we learn about this very real person who contributed much to modern-day literature by way of her mentorship, creative assets, and service to the Black community. As the author herself says, all Black authors today stand on the shoulders of Fauset who birthed a movement in the proper representation of the Black culture without frivolous stereotypes told by Black creatives themselves. 

While much of the novel focuses on Fauset’s work, there is an underlying plot that details the very true history of her affair with W.E.B. Dubois. Through Murray’s fictional storytelling, based on solid research and historical evidence, the reader learns of the conflict Fauset wrestled with in trying to make a career for herself in the 1920s and balancing that with a forbidden relationship that imposed limitations on how far she could excel. This multi-faceted story also introduces the reader to the origin stories of many literary legends, like Countee Cullen, Nella Larsen, and Zora Neale Hurston, who have name recognition today, but were young and relatively unknown during this time. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this complex and engaging novel. I appreciate a good story that not only entertains but informs, and Harlem Rhapsody did just that. Additionally, the author - a gifted writer of today’s time - shared so many beautiful passages when painting in-depth word pictures. Here are just a few I noted for memorializing. 

Literature can be useful in this fight for equality. That’s what I tell my daughter. She can change this world with words. - p. 5

Any art by Negroes must serve one purpose alone — to uplift the race and present Negroes in a way white folks have never seen. Art must serve to change more than minds, art must change hearts. Through literature, stories can be shared that recognize the contributions colored folks have made in just fifty years, post-emancipation. The written word can be more powerful than any speech I can deliver. - p.5

Negro women in America will continue to reach the highest levels, continue to be the best and the brightest, and then force others to tell us that with these qualifications, we are disqualified. We will force others to tell us that our credentials are fine; our complexions are what’s offensive. - p. 180

I’m so grateful to her for encouraging me to read. The characters inside books became my friends. I loved every story, even the tragic ones. Because even in tragedy, the words can make a pitiable life beyond beautiful. - p. 190

That one-drop definition comes from white supremacists. I’ve never understood why anyone would abide by the rules and rantings of madmen. How can men who hate me, without knowing me, define me? - p. 207

Recommendation: This book covers a lot of ground in an easily digestible format. It was an excellent choice by my book club to celebrate both Black and women’s history. I highly recommend this novel for literary fiction fans who also enjoy learning about historically hidden figures, who are, thankfully, hidden no more. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Good Dirt by Charmaine Wilkerson

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 336 pages
Published: January 2025

Good Dirt by Charmaine Wilkerson is the author’s sophomoric novel, my second read of hers, and the monthly selection by the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club. Black Cake, Wilkerson’s debut novel, was a roaring success and adapted to a limited series on Hulu. I read it several years ago, and when I learned of her latest project, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a copy. It was simply kismet when I heard that the book would be the club’s February read-along with accompanying author chat.

The latter novel is set in present day and centers around an affluent African American family who live in a mainly white neighborhood where nearly 20 years prior, their eldest son, Baz, is murdered in front of his younger sister, Ebby, during the commission of an attempted robbery of the family’s heirloom jar, affectionately referred to as Old Mo. While the robbery was unsuccesful, the jar was seemingly destroyed, and the culprits were never found and brought to justice. Meanwhile Ebby has spent much of her childhood and all of her adult life living in the shadow of this unfortunate tragedy. And just when life seems to be taking a turn toward the positive for the family, Ebby is publicly humiliated, thrusting her back into the unwanted spotlight. On a journey of self-healing, she leaves for France, but life calls her back home to reconnect with her parents so they can all tend to their unhealed wounds.

Throughout the 300-page novel, the reader is slowly made aware of the mysterious elements of the crime while alternating historical viewpoints help piece together the history of the family’s beloved possession, Old Mo. In this novel, which is very different from Black Cake, Wilkerson engages the reader with her lyrical prose, intriguing plot, and expansive storytelling to deliver a novel complete with all the makings of a New York Times bestseller.

"Most of the trouble in this world boils down to one person not recognizing the worth of another," -page 17

No matter how influential or admired Ebony's family may have been, they were still black, and Henry's mother was still the kind of mother for whom the Freemans would never have been good enough. -page 45

People saw their skin, not their history. -page 54

Be aware of a beautiful moment as it is happening. Take note of your life as you are living it. -page 55

Embrace the variety of words available to you. Make sure you can command the language in such a way that no one can ever doubt your ability to do so." -page 57

This is the only way she knows to be a woman in this world, by leaving much of who she is unsaid. -page 83

People liked to argue otherwise, but deep down, they understood that it was a challenge to level the economic playing field between white and black Americans when one group of people had inherited their wealth over generations by using the other group as forced or low-paid labor. -page 115

That jar represented all those stories he could tell his children that most people never told about black folks in America. -page 117

She knew that just because the law gave a man the power to tell you that you were not a person in your own right, it did not make it so. - page 142

Because our history is everyone’s history. Our history is American history. -page 172

“They can’t tie up the mind with a rope, but they keep trying to anyhow.” -page 180

"Our ancestors have been going to sea for as long as anyone can remember. It is only natural that some of us return to ride the waves. To listen for the voices of those who went before us. We cannot undo the worst days of our past, but we can always look to better days. A man might have fear, young Willis, but he lives all the same.” -page 184

If it came down to it, he would jump from the deck of the ship rather than return to bondage. -page 193

To tell your story was to experience a kind of freedom. To be able to share the news of your adventures, to name your relations and favorite places, was to be a man. -page 196

The more dangerous things became, the more generous they found people to be. -page 225

They had found a place with good dirt, but they could not be sure of holding on to it. -page 226

Sometimes, people let you down, but they're still your people. -page 260

But you could not tell a mother who had raised black children in the sixties and seventies, not even in their prosperous, quiet corner of New England, that her children would always be safe. You could not grow up to be a black man, no matter how successful, without knowing, in some quadrant of your brain, that you were more vulnerable to potential harm than other men. You had to watch your back. You had to teach your son to watch his back. -page 266

Perhaps the only way to cope with loss, or guilt, is to name it and defy its potential to destroy you. -page 321

Maybe all you can do is give yourself permission to embrace the rest of your life. To play, to love, to risk. To take the beauty that someone brought into your life and share it. -page 321

History, too often, has been told from only certain perspectives. This is not good enough. History is a collective phenomenon. It can only be told through a chorus of voices. And that chorus must make room from new voices over time. -page 327

I felt very invested in this story, and I felt as though the author saw me as she described some of the challenges Ebby and her family faced being successful African Americans in the U.S. Wilkerson is a lovely writer. I enjoyed how she wove this story together, and while some parts were not relatable to me - I have not a special heirloom piece like Old Mo - but the story just felt so relatable, like home, if you will.

I have read other reviews that posit the story seemed incomplete, half done, or didn’t quite meet the mark as the first novel. To that I must say, when you’ve set the bar so high with your debut, sometimes you don’t deliver the same anticipated level of story the second time. (However, I completely disagree with these reviews. I loved this book. It is not the same as the first, but, in my opinion, just as good.) 

Additionally, commentary around the confusion of the historical retelling and the alternating present-day setting made sense to me. As a Black person in the United States, we have no historical frame of reference beyond 400+ years because our history was stolen along with our ancestors. The time period within those 400 years included centuries of enslavement of our ancestors, where even if we can trace our history, it is often spotty because our relatives were literally sold to the highest bidder or worked to the death with little-to-record of living other than the evidence of the success of the land U.S. citizens can now enjoy. So, I suppose if someone is confused following the story … welcome to our world. The book provides a realistic depiction. 

Recommendation: If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 100 times. Not every book is for everyone. This book happened to speak to my soul, and just like Wilkerson’s first novel, I give it my strongest recommendation and five out of five stars. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean

Rating: 4 of 5 stars 
Pages: 299 pages
Published: May 2024

The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean had been sitting on my physical TBR (to be read) pile for several months, and for no other pressing reason than I needed a new book to read, I decided to crack open one of my last purchased books from Book of the Month in late January. 

This suspense-filled novel is about a young teenaged girl - the titular character - who disappeared from a party, and she mysteriously returns, seemingly from the dead, two years later throwing everyone in her community into a tailspin. Detective Chelsey Calhoun was the lead detective when Ellie Black first went missing, and, naturally, she is put back on the case upon her return. Not only has this unsolved case haunted her but also the unsolved case of Calhoun's adoptive sister more than 20 years ago. Upon the return of the victim in the latter case, Chelsey is thrown right back into the midst of the Black family and trying to glean information from them to resolve the case. Like a dog with a bone, the detective is tenacious in trying to figure out where Ellie has been, what happened to her during those two years, and why she has shown up after such a long time. 

I enjoyed this debut thriller novel that was relatively short and moved quickly. The mysterious nature of the plot propels the reader to continue turning pages until a resolution is presented. Like most of the books I've read so far in 2025, this one featured strong female characters at the forefront and provided entertaining value. 

Recommendation: A dark and twisty thriller, fans of TV shows like Law & Order: SVU and Found are sure to enjoy this page-turner! 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Weyward by Emilia Hart

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 336 pages
Published: March 2023

Weyward by Emilia Hart was the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club selection for January 2025. Since I promised myself I'd read more of the monthly selections within the various book clubs I'm a member and I was able to snag a digital copy from the local library, I dove right into this captivating and evocative work of literary fiction. 

The story spans several centuries and focuses on the generations of three women who are intertwined and related in more ways than one. In present-day 2019, the reader meets Kate who is fleeing from an abusive relationship. The story then flashes back to two of Kate's ancestors in 1619 and 1942 who faced equally-troubling tragedies of their respective timeframes. Hart employs descriptive passages and an exploration of witchcraft to create both a magical realism setting and the very real situation of the atrocities that plague marginalized women.

The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet. -Adrienne Rich
The author is an excellent storyteller who intricately weaves the stories of these three women to make a complete narrative that is difficult to read at times due to the plot elements but also fulfilling upon conclusion. I found the her prose to be vivid and moving. I simply could not finish this book quickly enough. 

Overall, Weyward is a mesmerizing read that combines the elements of witchcraft, resilience, and healing to create a story that is not only engaging but empowering to women as a whole. And quite honestly, we can use a little more of that right now! 

Recommendation: I thoroughly enjoyed this story and highly recommend it for fans of well-written literary fiction and magical realism. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Bookshop Sisterhood by Michelle Lindo-Rice

Rating: 4 of 5 stars 
Pages: 359 pages
Published: July 202

Full confession, sometimes I do judge a book by its cover, and I found the cover of The Bookshop Sisterhood by Michelle Lindo-Rice to be completely regal. In the opening of this contemporary women's fiction novel, we meet four long-time girlfriends who are on the verge of opening the bookstore of their dreams. But before the literary haven they've planned for the community can open, each character encounters a crisis that independently seems insurmountable. When they realize they are stronger together, the result is an engaging read about the power of women, community, friendships, and books! 

While I may have judged the book by its cover, I found the premise promising. The story was equally interesting, heartwarming, and emotional. The group of four was diverse, and I loved how each character was distinct. Through her lyrical prose and well-developed characters, Lindo-Rice brought me into her world, and I soon found myself wanting to be part of the fictional sisterhood portrayed in her novel. My only critique is I think the book could have been a bit shorter with some strategic editing. 

Recommendation: Overall, I found The Bookshop Sisterhood to be a delightful and uplifting read that resonated with me as a contemporary woman who adores all things literary. I recommend this book as the perfect choice for someone looking for a feel-good story. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Friday, December 27, 2024

The Accomplice by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson with Aaron Philip Clark

Rating: 3.75 of 5 stars 
Pages: 272 pages
Published: September 2024

I'm not sure where I first heard about The Accomplice by rapper 50 Cent, but curiosity got the best of me and I picked up a copy from my local bookstore. I enjoy action-packed movies, and this one was set in Texas making it familiar. I thought this book might have a little bit of action and a lot of the Lone Star State, and I was not mistaken. I also know the author has built a bit of an empire with his TV shows on the Starz network, so I had high hopes of the entertainment value this book might provide. 

This gritty, graphic, thriller follows a cast of nefarious characters that are all intertwined in a world of crime. The main antagonist, Desmond Bell, is a bank robber of a different kind. He doesn't steal money but rather items and secrets that would, if exposed, damage the reputation of his victims. Nia Adams, who is the first Black female Texas Ranger serves as the protagonist and the two play a fast-paced game of cat and mouse to the bitter end in this story. 

I found the writing to be rather engaging as I could definitely envision what was being described; however, it was a little too graphic for my liking. I do wonder how much of the book Jackson wrote because I think the lion's share of the story lay with his co-author, Aaron Philip Clark. Having said that, I did enjoy the story, and the ending wasn't so much a conclusion as it left the door open for a second book. I also have heard the book will become a TV series starring Taraji P. Henson. And I think this is where we'll see Jackson shine. 

Recommendation: This was a short, fast-paced crime fiction novel that served its purpose. I don't know that I'll continue reading the series if more books follow, but I can appreciate what the author was trying to do. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Monday, December 9, 2024

The Answer is No by Fredrik Backman

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 68 pages
Published: December 2024

If you know anything about my reading life you should know Fredrik Backman is my auto-read author. I enjoy how he constructs sentences and crafts novels. So, when Amazon offered his short story as one of the free selections for the First Reads program, I promptly downloaded my copy. It didn't hurt that we were discussing and sharing short stories in my Literary Society the following month. 

The Answer is No is a fast-paced, lighthearted, and funny short story about the complexities and absurdities of human relationships. The story centers around Lucas who lives in an apartment complex unit and just wants to say yes to playing his video game, eating his pad Thai, and having a little wine, and no to pretty much everything else. Through Backman's witty prose, the story quickly grows to include Lucas' surrounding neighbors, and what seems like a simply superficial story is actually a bit deeper. The author does what he excels at by blending lighthearted moments with profound honesty.

Backman's writing always provides all the feels, and this one did not disappoint. I found myself chuckling at one moment and pondering the human condition the next. He is a masterful storyteller, and I think this book is no exception. 

Recommendation: I definitely give a thumbs up on this quick read. While short, it is a thought-provoking and satisfying read for those who enjoy contemporary/modern fiction. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

A Winter in New York by Josie Silver

Rating: 4 of 5 stars 
Pages: 372 pages
Published: October 2023

I snagged a copy of A Winter in New York by Josie Silver when I had a Book of the Month subscription in late 2023. I tucked the book away in one of my TBR (to be read) piles and quickly forgot about it. Then, I got stung by the Christmas bug in 2024 and wanted to read something light and happy that aligned with this joyful time of year. So, I opened up my Libby app and downloaded a copy of this book. I kept thinking, gosh that cover looks familiar. I soon realized a couple of pages in I owned a hard copy. So, I returned the library book for someone else and switched to the physical copy. 

Silver presents a heartwarming story that begins with a meet cute ... in a bookstore! ... between the two main characters Iris, a young chef, and Gio, whose family owns the local gelato shop in her neighborhood. Iris is recovering from a very difficult romantic relationship, and Gio is trying to figure out how to save his family's shop as his uncle, the only person who knows the secret family recipe to the one gelato flavor the shop is famous for, is ill and unable to recall. On top of those challenges, Iris soon realizes she has a familial connection to this shop that could jeopardize Gio's uncle and her budding friendship with Gio. 

The author is an excellent writer who beautifully captures the magic of the season and the New York setting. Her writing is engaging and creates a moderately-paced novel. As with most romcoms like this, the plot is mainly predictable, but there are definitely some deviations that took me by surprise. Overall, I enjoyed the story and found the novel delightful and meeting the needs of the read I was looking for this season. I wish some of the secondary characters were better developed and Iris didn't drag her lies (by omission) on for so long, as it became trite over time. 

Recommendation: I enjoyed the romance with a touch of holiday spirit that provided a cozy escape for the holiday season. The book reminded me of the movie While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock, so I watched that shortly after to continue the good feels! 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Sky Full of Elephants by Cebo Campbell

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 304 pages
Published: September 2024

Often on this blog I have written, Not every book is for everybody. If that statement was applicable to only one book I’ve reviewed on this blog, Sky Full of Elephants by Cebo Campbell would definitely be that book. What Campbell has done in this dystopian novel is creatively craft a fictional utopia that allows people of color, specifically Black people, to consider ideal beauty, ideal power, ideal wealth, and ideal success without the concept of white being that ideal. The end result is a story that taps into Black consciousness, a love letter of sorts to Black culture.

I’ve seen several reviews that the book is racist. I don’t think that is a fair criticism. I think the book, like any good form of art, makes the audience experience a level of discomfort. If that is not something you enjoy in your entertainment, this book is not for you because not every book is for everybody. The story is also science fiction; emphasis on fiction. No one is wishing any one group of people walk to the nearest body of water never to return. This is simply the fictional plot device the author used to create a vehicle that allows the reader to think deeper and ponder what a literal post-racial America might look like. I didn’t find it hateful. I found it cerebral, thought-provoking; an example of identity. 

The writing is absolutely outstanding. The sentence structure, the use of metaphors, the lyrical prose kept me thoroughly engaged until the satisfying end. I consumed this book in hardback while also listening to the audio (thanks Spotify!). The writing is strong enough to stand on its own, but the narrators on audio acted out a superb performance. While I highly praise this book, it is not perfect. There are some plot holes and ideas that don’t really seem plausible (refer back to the sci-fi part). The concept is lofty, and I think the execution was pretty solid for a debut. 

Recommendation: I truly enjoyed this book, and I appreciated the recommendation from my reading buddy, so much so that I paid to forward to my husband who is listening to the audiobook now. This is a read I’d like to revisit because there’s so much detail to unpack and ponder. I can’t wait to read what Mr. Campbell writes next! 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann

Rating: 3 of 5 stars 
Pages: 336 pages
Published: May 2021

I snagged an electronic copy of Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann from my local library and read along with the Modern Mrs. Darcy book club’s study on Greek mythology themes in modern day fiction. The story is set in the fictional east Texas town of Olympus and opens with disgraced family member March returning after having been banished because of an illicit affair he had with his brother’s wife. Within days of his arrival, his half siblings are involved in the death of a local which results in a detrimental spiral of cascading events that further divide this already dysfunctional family. 

I really wanted to enjoy this story. I like being a part of the MMD book club and because this was a monthly selection, the author joined us for a chat. I also was intrigued with the story being set in Texas. And while I find Swann to be a skilled and talented writer, this plot just did not do it for me. The characters were unlikeable, and there was not much diversity. And the ending offered very little hope. I trudged through hoping to get a different perspective from my reading friends. Unfortunately, the author chat also fell flat, and none of my peers seemed to enjoy the storyline either.

Recommendation: Perhaps, if I was a smarter person who was more interested in Greek mythology, that aspect would have appealed to me, and I could have appreciated the novel more. My recommendation is a hard pass, but I wouldn’t mind trying another book by this author. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

In a League of Her Own by Kaia Alderson

Rating: 3 of 5 stars 
Pages: 352 pages
Published: August 2024

In a League of Her Own is my second read by author Kaia Alderson. I really enjoyed Sister in Arms, and highly anticipated her sophomoric, historical fiction novel. In this story, we learn about Effa Manley, a Black business-minded woman who wanted more for herself than to be someone’s wife or mother. In this, I could relate. The book synopsis teases that she becomes a pivotal figure in the male-dominated industry of baseball and, to date, the only woman inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Effa Manley the person seems larger than life, but this dramatized retelling of her life fell short for me. 

While the writing is solid, the structure of the novel didn’t flow very well, and I think the reader should have walked away with an appreciation of Manley’s glass-breaking efforts. However, she was presented in a disappointing way. The relationship with her husband was odd, and I’m not sure what value it added to this story. The main character seemed a little self-absorbed and more focused on her name, pride, and reputation than the good of the community. 

I also thought the book would be more focused on her career in the baseball industry, but two-thirds of the story focused on her career in fashion and local civil rights. So, the title almost seems to be a misnomer. Additionally, because the author took so many liberties with the story, additional research is required to determine which parts are fictional and which are historical. 

Recommendation: I did enjoy picking up on some of the cross-over characters from Sisters in Arms, and I do want to know more about Manley’s real life, but perhaps because my expectations were high, this one was a bit of a letdown for me. I think if you know what you’re getting before reading this, it could be a more enjoyable read. I am hopeful this review helps with that. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 352 pages
Published: May 2024

I found this gem of a book the old fashioned way, perusing a book store and letting the good read find me! I Hope This Finds You Well is not only a familiar adage for those of us working (emailing) in corporate business situations, but it is a humous story with many layers and a debut for author Natalie Sue. It's a solid debut. The story is centered around Jolene, who is an administrative worker for a corporation in Canada. As a coping mechanism, she writes sarcastic messages at the bottom of real emails but changes the text to white ... until she doesn't. She makes a mistake with her arch nemesis and gets in hot water with management. When the new HR representative puts tracking software on her computer during her probationary period, she inadvertently gains access to the entire company's email and chat (think Microsoft Teams) messages. She attempts to use the intel to her advantage in hopes of securing her job, but instead she learns that not all things are what they seem, and people are so much more than their email addresses and usernames. 

I found this book to be quite delightful. It had a little bit of everything. It was funny, touching, romantic, and entertaining. While I do question the realistic ability for someone to gain access to the communication Jolene was privy to, the overall message was greater than the technicalities. At the end of the day, we're all trying to survive and be the best person we can be. And sometimes that can be lonely. This book made me think about connecting with people on a level beyond digital, and it made me thankful I found it in a non-digital way. 

Recommendation: As one of my school teachers used to say, "Life is hard. Then you die." I think this book reminds readers that we can make what happens in between more pleasant for ourselves and those around us. I am thankful for this copy, and highly recommend it to others look for a read that touches on all the emotions. If this book is any indication, I think Sue has a healthy writing career ahead! 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Wedding People by Alison Espach

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 384 pages
Published: July 2024

Another summer reading pick by Barnes & Noble, The Wedding People by Alison Espach did not disappoint. Written in third person, the novel takes us on a weeklong journey where Phoebe Stone has booked a suite at the extravagant Cornwall Inn for one-night with plans to die of suicide after living through the Covid pandemic and dealing with the grief of the end of her marriage. Unbeknownst to her, Lila, who can be a bit of a bridezilla, has booked the rest of this beautiful hotel for the perfect wedding she's been planning throughout Covid and to fulfill her dying father's wish. When Lila meets Phoebe and learns of her plans, she is intent on stopping her from ruining her perfectly planned soiree. 

For the remainder of the story, we learn more about Phoebe, Lila, and a diverse cast of characters. The plot has some deep elements that are a bit heavy, but the author takes great care with them. Her writing allows space for the read to contemplate the ramifications of one's actions (or inaction). Everything comes together well in the end, but not perfectly, and that makes the book all the more endearing. Life is not perfect either. 

But there are a lot of perfect quotes in this book that I highlighted in the Kindle version I borrowed from my local library. Here are just a few - 

“I just mean, a story can be beautiful not because of the way it ends. But because of the way it’s written.”

And Matt could do that—turn off the TV, quit a marriage—right in the middle of the climactic scene.

She was always too embarrassed to admit that she ever wanted anything, as if there was something humiliating about being a person with desires.

This is exactly what Phoebe has always hated and loved about life—how unpredictable it is, how things can change in an instant.

How are you supposed to go from being the center of someone’s world to being irrelevant? To sobbing in your best friend’s arms unthinkingly to being afraid to call them after your father dies? Phoebe doesn’t know. She, too, was caught unprepared by that kind of loss.

But Phoebe is starting to understand that on some nights, Lila is probably the loneliest girl in the world, just like Phoebe. And maybe they are all lonely. Maybe this is just what it means to be a person. To constantly reckon with being a single being in one body. Maybe everybody sits up at night and creates arguments in their head for why they are the loneliest person in the world.

At the time, the darkness felt like life. It is all about moving on. Saying goodbye to whoever you thought you were, whoever you thought you would be.

“Your husband is not going to take care of you the way you think,” Phoebe says. “Nobody can take care of you the way you need to take care of yourself. It’s your job to take care of yourself like that.”

It is not an easy thing to do, walk away from what you’ve built and save yourself.
She is so good at predicting what will happen in books, so bad at predicting what will happen in life. That is why she has always preferred books—because to be alive is much harder.

Recommendation: I really enjoyed this book. This is a story of healing, and there were many touches of humor, but I would definitely categorize it as literary fiction. I think this is one that could be read at any time. 

Trigger warnings include suicide, death in the family, marital affair, and infertility. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sisters with a Side of Greens by Michelle Stimpson

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Duration: 12:38:00
Published: March 2024

I learned about Sisters with a Side of Greens from one of my book community groups on Facebook, and I am so thankful I did. After listening to the audiobook I borrowed from my local library, I already know I would appreciate reading more by Michelle Stimpson who has a knack for women's fiction that speaks to women in general and African American women specifically. This story is about ... you guessed it ... two estranged sisters who are struggling to find forgiveness with each other and more forward to their third act in life. 

Rose, who has recently retired from the U.S. Post Office plans to complete her unfilled dream of starting a restaurant using her mother's secret seasoning to pave her way to success. Her sister, Marvina, is living in east Texas and much of her identity is wrapped up in serving her community and church. However, Rose needs Marvina's cooperation and financial help to get her restaurant started. Marvina's primary church outreach service is coming to an end, and she needs to find a new life purpose. The sisters are both strong-willed and opinionated, and the author takes us on their journey of discovering what's happened in the past, what's next, and their love for each other again. 

I truly enjoyed this story, and it was a bonus that it was set in Texas, so there were familiar points of reference in the novel. Stimpson has created realistic characters, a memorable story, and an entertaining read that kept me company for a couple of days on my commute to work. I can't wait to read what she writes next. 

Recommendation: I am thankful for this recommendation I got through Facebook. As a reader, a foodie, and a sister, I found the story quite relatable and very enjoyable. I strongly recommend this book. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The God of the Woods by Liz Moore

Rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 478 pages
Published: July 2024

At 500 pages in hardback, The God of the Woods looks long but it doesn't feel long. This mystery truly captivated me. And not necessarily because of the mystery but more so the lyrical prose that guided the reader through the story. There were a lot of characters with two vacillating time periods, but the author crafted the plot in such a way that I never felt lost or overwhelmed. 

The novel opens in 1975 where 13-year old Barbara Van Laar has gone missing from a summer camp owned by her family. While this is tragic enough, her brother also vanished 14 years earlier. A full-scale search ensues, and the reader is provided clues to the dark family's past that seemingly make everyone feel like a suspect. Coupled with the frantic search and family secrets is a challenging economic dynamic among the community that creates even more suspects in the disappearance of both children. 

There's a lot going on with this book, but it done really well and there is a complete ending that I found satisfying, but I will warn future readers, it's not tied up all nicely in a bow at the end. One of my favorite parts of this book was the writing. Here are a couple of my favorite, poignant passages. 

It came from the Greek god Pan: the god of the woods. He liked to trick people, to confuse and disorient them until they lost their bearings, and their minds. -p. 40

The best part of being married to George Barlow for a decade was learning that it’s all right not to do everything that’s expected of you all the time. This is a notion that has been positively liberating for me. The way we were raised - the way our parents raised us, I mean - it trained us to think it’s our job to be absolutely correct in everything that we do. But it isn’t, Bunny. Do you see? We can have our own thoughts, our own inner lives. We can do as we please, if we only learn not to care so much about what people think. -p. 112-113

Rich people, thought Judy-she thought this then, and she thinks it now-generally become most enraged when they sense they’re about to be held accountable for their wrongs. -p. 158
Recommendation: Barnes & Noble selected this book for one of its summer monthly reads, and it was a good selection, indeed. I highly recommend this one. Don't rush to learn the ending, but rather take your time and enjoy the journey. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Jackpot Summer by Elyssa Friedland

Rating: 3 of 5 stars 
Pages: 384 pages
Published: June 2024

Jackpot Summer by Elyssa Friedland was a top pick in the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club's 2024 Summer Reading Guide. It was listed under family drama, and this book had plenty of that. A year after their mother dies of lung cancer, the four adult Jacobson children gather in their family's beloved beach home for one last vacation before their father sells it to retire in Florida. While cleaning out their things, the youngest sibling, Noah decides to buy a lottery ticket. The two sisters go in with him, but their older brother and his wife refuse to participate. As luck would have it, they win and are quite literally millionaires overnight. But as we have often learned in real life, money does not buy happiness. Instead this family gets a lot of unfulfilling material items, emotional baggage including guilt and resentment, and a large physical rift amongst the haves and have-nots within the Jacobson clan. 

The story was engaging and kept my interest in that I was curious to learn what happened to this fictional family, but I didn't really care. It wasn't like they were truly struggling before, and the winnings brought out some of their most undesirable traits. I do appreciate the greater lesson, the author crafted along the way. I do enjoy this particular author's writing style (see The Most Likely Club), but this story just didn't live up to the hype like I thought it would. It was a light summer read with a happy ending, and, upon reflected, I think that's all I should have expected.

Recommendation: This book was a little on the long side, and it wasn't my favorite read for the summer nor was it the worst thing I've read. I'm putting this one in the take it or leave it category. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Guncle by Steven Rowley

Rating: 3 of 5 stars 
Duration: 11:24:00
Published: May 2021

I've had an audio copy on my Audible app of The Guncle by Steven Rowley for a couple of years now. The premise sounded intriguing, and I suspected I might enjoy it audibly. Guncle is a portmanteau of gay and uncle, and in this story, Patrick is the titular character. He is often referred to as guncle and also gup for Gay Uncle Patrick by his niece and nephew, Maisie and Grant respectively. Sadly, we meet the children just after their mother, Sarah, has died from cancer, and their father is trying to overcome depression and drug addiction. Greg, the father, asks his brother, Patrick, to take care of the children over the summer in California while he is at a nearby recovery facility. So, Patrick reluctantly takes the children from the east coast to his home to help his brother and help the children during this dark time. 

Patrick has some sadness of his own he's trying to heal from and in the midst of helping Greg, he self-actualizes and fulfills a greater purpose for his extended family. Throughout the novel, he espouses his "guncle rules." I think the author intended these as comedic relief for heavier topics; however, I honestly do not remember many of them. They were a lot and difficult to keep up with on audio. I do remember chuckling at some of them and the scenarios that necessitated the rules. 

My main issue with this book is the religion bashing. I don't understand why religion and homosexuality always have to be pitted against one another and we can find a way to co-exist in real life and in fiction. The multiple religious mentions in a condescending manner were a put off and soured the book. 

Recommendation: I finally hit play on this audiobook in hopes to quickly move to the sequel - The Guncle Abroad. However, this one didn't meet my expectations, so I instead, moved to something else more appealing. I think this book is for a specific audience that I am not a member of. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.