Genre: Fast Fiction
Pages: Volume 1: 33 pages | Volume 2: 29 pages
Published: November 2019
Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volume 1 and Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volume 2 explore the connections that can hold people together or tear them apart. The stories in this collection capture struggles that are common in today’s families—secrets, mother-daughter conflicts, coping with aging family members, and a more subtle question of what makes a family. The issues will seem familiar to you, but there are unexpected twists when you least expect them. The relatable characters and endings may pull at your heartstrings, so don’t be surprised if you laugh or cry along the way. Like most families, the relationships in this uplifting collection consist of intricate elements. Sometimes things get messy, but it’s always beautiful. Each volume contains five flash fiction stories (very short stories of 1000 words or less each). Read each story in about 5 minutes and get Volume 2 of the collection for free using a link within Volume 1.
Earlier this year, I was approached by author Rosey Lee about reading and reviewing her upcoming fast fiction novels: Beautiful, Complicated Family, volumes 1 and 2. I enjoy helping new authors, especially authors of color get exposure, so I eagerly agreed.
Volume 1 is 33 pages, and Volume 2 is 29 pages. I had never read the fast fiction genre until reviewing these books. Fast fiction is just what it indicates ... fast. Both books could probably be read in an hour or less by a dedicated reader. However, because of the short and fast-paced nature of the books and the short stories contained within them, the reader should not mistake this for light content. Rosey Lee tackles tough topics that we might all find familiar being part of complicated, and maybe even dysfunctional, families. Her writing style is quick but engaging and the stories leave you thinking and wanting more from the characters.

I have to say that is probably my main criticism with these compilations. They are just a little too short for me. Rosey Lee teases the reader with some intriguing content and just when I was getting invested, the stories abruptly ended. I'd love to see the author flesh out some of these stories in to full fledge novels. I think the characters deserve that, and I definitely think Rosey Lee has the talent to write a more traditional-sized novel.
Recommendation: With such a short bit of content, my review is also short. I definitely think the books are worth the read, and I hope to see more from this author in the future. If you have an hour or so of free time, why not download the books ... for free ... using the "buy now" links below. Until next time ... Read on!
Thanks to Fiction Physician, LLC and Netgaelley for the advance readers copy of these books. Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.
Volume 1 contains a link to get Volume 2 for free! Simply subscribe to Rosey Lee's website.
Alternatively, readers can purchase Volume 2 from anywhere that sells ebooks.
Rosey Lee writes uplifting fiction stories about family and friendship. A native of the Westbank of New Orleans, Louisiana, Rosey is a fan of good food and a good time. As a child, she dreamed of a career in writing, fashion design, and acting. She uses the pen name Rosey Lee as she pursues her passion for writing. Her alter ego is a physician who has dedicated her career to individual and community-based approaches to health equity. She enjoys cooking, flower arranging, listening to live music, and occasional bursts of fanatical bargain shopping.
Rosey’s flash fiction has appeared in Necessary Fiction, Bending Genres, Barren Magazine,
Turnpike Magazine, The Wellington Street Review, and elsewhere. Her work has also been
nominated for the 2019 Best of the Net anthology. Connect with her at and @roseyleebooks on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
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